
The Gullah/Geechee Flag represents those
sons and daughters of Africa who were forced to come to America in ships of
pain, for a life of servitude and death. For more than three hundred years the
Anointed people of the African Sun were auctioned off to the highest bidder torn
away from tribal and family ties, systematically deprived of ancient African
names, physically and mentally bruised in both body and soul. Forced to renouce
traditional religions and beliefs, stripped of self-respect, dehumanized,
tortured without mercy or moral concern, lynched, raped, denied political
access, methodically conditioned to engage in self hate and denied any hope of
freedom. An after the genocide, cheated out of the promised 40 acres and mule.
Yet, the Gullah/Geechee Anointed People survived like a bright shining star
above adversity to finally be free again.
Slavery and the long years of crushing toil gave to the
Anointed People an uncommon strength. Existing and preserving with the secrets
of African technology science and mother wit to branch out toward the future and
cast the seeds of a newborn Gullah/Geechee heritage. Through knowledge and
wisdom, the culture ties between Africa and African-Americans are now
spiritually joined.
The Circle represents the unity created by the use of the
Gullah/Geechee language and the Golden Seal inside the circle represents the
legacy of the original African people of the sun. Indigo Blue reminds us of the
sea on which Ebo drowned themselves, rather than to live a life of enslavement.
Indigo Blue also reminds us of the blue sky over the land that grew the
sweetgrass that the Gullah/Geechee People transformed into baskets. Across the
vast ocean on Indigo Blue, the deep living roots of the Gullah/Geechee Tree is
adorned with the victorious Emerald Crown of a new legacy.
The GullahlGeechee Flag further represents we people as the
authentic original GullahlGeechee Nation with lineage to our ancestral legacy.
We the people stand as custodians of Gullah/Geechee Culture and protectors of
our human rights and practice our right to self-determination as a National
Minority Ethnic Group. And; furthermore, are not just AfricanAmerican, but who
also practice and enjoy their own unique culture, and to converse in their own
unique language. The Gullah/Geechee Flag waves high before a people whose
mission is to preserve, protect and promote our history, heritage, culture,
language and homeland. It is also a symbol to show our official recognition of
the governance (minority) rights necessary to accomplish our mission to take
care of our community through collective efforts which will provide a healthy
environment, care for the well beings of each person, and economic empowerment.
Therefore, it is only natural that this symbol show that we as a people will
preserve, maintain and reclaim All elements of our homeland which will FOREVER
be our base of existence as we remain true to our mission for we the people have
the culture and the heritage of the determined, strong willed Gullah/Geechee
Anointed People. This symbol has been established and put in motion a healing
force that is to inspire this generation and those generations to come to work
toward creating a stated of Gullah/Geechee peace, happiness, prosperity and